Pied-billed Grebe

A small, stocky, brown grebe with a short stout bill. SUMMER: Obvious black ring around white bill; the chin is black. WINTER: The bill has a faint ring or no ring, and the chin is light.
Feeds by diving underwater and catching fish, aquatic insects, frogs, and crayfish.
A platform nest of decaying vegetation, attached to growing vegetation is shallow water. Eggs: 4-7, bluish green; I: 23 days; F: ?, precocial; B: 1-2.
Other Behavior:
One of the earliest migrants among the grebes, often arriving on ponds before the ice is all melted, In territorial skirmishes males come together and tilt heads up while calling. parents may do a distraction display of flapping their wings between dives when their young are in danger. Their white rear feathers may be flashed in times of alarm.
Summers on lakes and ponds; winters also in sheltered saltwater bays.
During breeding, calls include a ''cow cow cow cow cow, '' a loud ''keck keck'' in alarm, and a softer ''cuk cuk cuk.'' It is generally quiet in winter.

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