5 types of dolphins Never Heard
Dolphins are small whales that have teeth. Generally the name dolphin is used for those with beaks. they suckle their young as all mammals do. Most kinds of dolphins feed on fishes, using their sharp teeth to catch and hold them.
1>Common Dolphins

It found in warm and temperate seas through out the world, measure about eight feet long and have six-inch beaks. Sometimes they swim near shore, but they are also found far out at sea.
2>Bottle-nosed Dolphins

Which reach a length of 12 feet, swim in schools (or groups) in both the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In the past, many were killed for their oil. Spotted Dolphins, so named because of the numerous white patches on their backs, occur all along the South American At-lantic Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico.Little is known about their habits.
3>The Amazon Dolphin

It lives in the Amazon River and many of its tributaries. Sometimes the Amazon Dol-phin is found in fresh water as mush as 1,600 miles inland \ actually in the foothills of the Andes Mountains. They change their colour from black or bluish-grey to whitish or flesh colour, depending on their surroundings, and feed on bottom-dwelling fish of various sizes
4>Ganges River Dolphins

Have nearly lost the use of their eyes, probably because the rivers they inhabit, such as the Ganges and the Indus, are so muddy that eyesight is of little or no use to them. They probe in the mud with their long snouts to find the crus-taceans and fish which they eat. Like the dolphin of the Amazon, a Ganges River Dolphin never leaves its fresh-water home.
5>Chinese River Dolphins
It live only in Tung Ting Lake, some 600 miles up the Yangtze River, in Chine. Almost 7,5 feet long and weighing nearly 300 pounds, these pale-coloured dolphins are far removed from their original ocean habitat. They are nearly blind and use their long, sensitive beaks to probe the bottom of the lake for fishes.
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