Animal kangaroo
Where live kangaroo :

In Australia, where there are 90 kinds of kangaroos .
Living in the herbal areas open inside the country in the form of groups or flocks and sponsor these flocks during the night and resting in the shade of the Day .
The origins of the word irresistible to cook explorer where when he arrived to the coast of Australia view a creature (Kangaroos) asked one of the indigenous people of anonymity clerk replied while looking word kangaroo .
The description :
1>Possesses the kangaroo reps supreme large could run from back to front .
2>The head of the kangaroo small where similar to the head of the camels and has pointed introduction .
3>Covering the body of a kangaroo short furs colors vary according to the type and color is either built or gray and used the kangaroo his fur either to protect it from the heat of the sun or in order to preserve the humidity of his body .
4>It features that he has lists of the background of large and strong as lists be small front .
5>He has a long tail cylindrical figure up to 120 cm where help him to sit and as if he and his tail was third submitted and is similar to the large body and take his tail tool poise and can not kangaroos only if the install the tail on the ground .
How moving kangaroo :
He can walk on the four lists and when jumps kangaroos it uses the rear legs, which are moving together at one time .
Can jumps over the barriers up two meters and half meters and can jump up to a distance of 15 meters in one Time. Can be kangaroo hunter large in size to a distance of 90 km/hour short distance .
How to defend himself :
Use the tail kangaroos and his feet as it is similar to the tail and hits his feet when it compete or attacked by dogs where it could harm the large dogs .
Its food :
Animal feed the kangaroos vegetarian depends on the green grass eat herbs of the plains and the jungle and trees where he would spend long hours in masticating herbal medicine and also eat worms and insects .
Kangaroos a good swimmer and also grapple rapid and often digging in the land in search of water and could remain without water for long periods .
The proliferation :
In practice there is no specific times for mating when kangaroos and develop female usually calving grounds in winter and after mating grow small within the body of the mother for 30 or 40 days and this caused the fertilized ovum remain exist for some time in the womb of the female before the start of the official growth and this is the so-called " Late implantation " and is happening at the types of deer or hedgehogs before birth day or two days lie mother on her back and licks her abdomen and organize the holster and strange that the mother was drawn up on the fur saliva route which small Ethiopian capital to the pocket .
Continue duration of custody in the pocket of the mother and the period of 235 days, where the one born each year and surprising when born born be very small, not exceeding one half of the cm and sticks to the mother fur and when inside the jeep up to milk teat where remain within the holster eat and sleep 190 days and after this period become similar to that of kangaroos .
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