Least Grebe

The smallest of the grebes.SUMMER: Dark gray head and body; thin dark bill; yellow-orange eye. WINTER: Differs from summer plumage only in having a white chin. All year the bird has white fluffy feathers at the rear, which can be shown or hidden.
Eats primarily aquatic insects by diving and catching them underwater or takingthem from the water surface.
Platfrom nest built of reeds and other water plants, tied to vegetation in shallow water. Eggs: 4-6, whitish; I:21 days; F: ?,precocial;B: 2-3.
Other Behavior:
These birds may nest in any month of the year, if conditions are right and water levels are high. They often stay hidden among the reeds at the edges of small ponds, and the exposing of the white feathers at their rear may be a display
Habitat: Shallow ponds.
Sounds not well known. An alarm note like ''teek'' and a short trill sometimes done as a duet have been heard
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