Common Loon

The most commonly seen loon. SUMMER: Black head and black bill; black-and-white barred neck-ring; checkered back. WINTER: The border between the white front and black back of the neck is irregular, with a white, triangular indentation at mid neck. Holds thick bill horizontal. IN FLIGHT: Feet trail behind tail and are larger than in other loons.
IMM: Similar to winter adult. Imm. plumage kept 1 year. Immatures spend 1st year along coast.
Feeds by diving underwater and pursuing fish. Feeding dives average 45 seconds long
Platfrom nest of aquatic vegetation, placed on the ground on an island or at the water's edge. Eggs: 2, olive-brown; I:29 days; F:2-3 months, precocial; B: 1.
Other Behavior:

Listening to loon sounds can tell you about their behavior. the yodel-call is used for territory advertisement and defense; the tremelo-call is used during moments of alarm; and the wail-call is often used to help the pair keep in contact with each other. Loons may dive to escape danger and can remain underwater for up to 3 minutes.
Summers on lakes; winters mostly along coast
Wail-call: a drawn-out wail. Tremelo-call: a short tremulous call. Yodel-call: a wail followed by a long undulating call
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