Valuable information on camel animal

The camel is one of endangered mammals where there are two types of camel and we will talk them today and the Arab camel where he has hump one and the other is the camel microbiological and it has two hump .
The description :

Often longer camel of rights in both the quality with camel microbiological to about 180 cm the length of his body up to 3 meters either weight ranges between 600: 1000 kg when grow fully .
The Arab camel to a height of about 2 meters and weighs between 400: 600 kg .
Features long legs and large nose and lips bold and vaulted afternoon the hump is the fat and food and water of the camel stored inside the body to withstand tough conditions where
In addition that the camel has other means to adapt to the environment where :
1>The third eyelid protects the Eye-Jamal of sand when sand storms .
2>The camel features 2 of eyelashes long protection of the eye of sandstorms .
3>When wind sandstorms are blocking the nose but camel is not facing any problem because of its ability to close the nose of the Wind Gusts .
Its food :
The camel is of animals that are easy to feed where no specific dining eats because their thick lips them to deal with things that do not manage to the rest of the animals such as the thorny plants and is the camel of herbal animals feeding on all plants but do not feed on an absolute meat .
The camel features its ability to drink large amounts of water in short periods of time where you can drink about 113 liters in about 13 minutes, where that the camel has the capacity to store food and water in the times, which are rarely food and drink the water use and the fats in the hump .
Possible camel to live up to 6 months without food or water according to research carried out by the University of Singapore .
Homeland :
The camel live in Arab countries in North Africa and different areas of the region of the Middle East and the camel bacteriological and live in Central Asia .
Both types of camel presence in Western Sahara and the wild or the plains of many people believed that the camel live only in warm areas where camel can live in low-lying areas in temperatures ranging between 29 degrees below zero degrees Celsius .
Breeding and genetics :
The duration of the camel load ranging between 12: 14 month looking female camel ride on the place of birth, where a small camel is able to stand on its feet after birth after 30 minutes and a small mature camels after 7 years after his birth .
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