Raccoon is mammal from serves meat and scientific name ( procyon lotor )
description :
Has the similar to the face of the fox and the body resembles the cat as it enjoys a short object and length about almost meter has a long tail and dense hair which constitutes about 40 centimeters of total bridged where wraps around the long tail 7 black chambers .
Ranging from Raccoon weight about between 2 to 12 kg , where it is pointed nose and wide head and two small Reps .
Covers the whole resolved long furs of poetry ranging color of brown and the slash of the top of the back to the lower areas with black furs from the top of the head until the last afternoon .
Either the face covered by the furs of light gray mediates convection extremely weak seem also mask the form of his feet is largely similar to the feet of rights he owns the small feet in each 5 fingers long claws leave and is walking in the same way as he walks the rights .
His homeland :
Settle in different parts of the United States and southern Canada and means the word Raccoon City in the language of the population of North America indigenous people the means anxiously rubbing his hands as he 17 type of living in North America and two in Asia, especially in the mountains of China and the mountains of Tibet .
Raccoon has spread in Germany because of the Nazi leader Herman Nmorng where brought in 1934 to Germany to diversify and expand the scope of the animals in Germany .
Its food :
Loves feeding on mice and birds and eggs and insects in addition to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables also love the hazelnut and is considered one of the favorites and has also dealt with the fish and vegetables and Fruits .
Dealing with these animals cautiously with neurology where they check first before you eat if what was valid or not as they wash neurology water ingestion and came this practice as a result of by-catches fishing .
It also has a strange habit in cleaning the food and erased well by its paws kind words before eating food .
How do it live :
Possesses high skills to climb trees and has a highly skilled in the swimming pool, JEATH preferred Alarcon live in trees close to the lakes and the schedules of freshwater in the nearby forests of cities .
Raccoon live in warrens throughout the seasons of the year and the work of hibernation spend one to two months in the spider hole in the temperatures up to minus 30 and only when the high temperature of the freeze .
Most of the female gather in one hole and allows only one mention only to protect it and to spend the winter difference to the .

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